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Monday, April 3, 2017
Many of you, my friends have been diligent watchmen over me and God Faith Ministries and I thank you for your watchful eyes and being up at all hours of the night watching our social media pages. We are aware of many things going on and want you to know where we stand with regards to our partners.
God Faith Ministries' goal is to spread far and wide the love of God to the rich, the poor, the destitute, the abandoned, the young, the old, the forsaken, the widows, the neglected and the orphans through evangelism, preaching and good works. Oftentimes, our Lord allows us to partner with other ministries and work alongside them to accomplish our mandate unto God.
We are not going to be prideful and present ourselves to be more than we are...just plain vessels of our Lord in the earth. However, there are some person/group/church/ministry that seek to use and abuse the name and privileges of Evangelist Lana Anamelechi and/or God Faith Ministries and would want to tag or make postings as if to give the impression that we are in agreement or in partnership with such person/group/church/ministry.
We WILL NEVER PARTNER with any person/group/church/ministry without seeking God first. We will also closely monitor all partnerships for biblical and moral conduct to ensure that the link between us flows with clean, pure, holy water from God our Father above, our Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit. At any time that it's deemed that the reputation and integrity of our Lord and this ministry is threatened by any partner, we will do our due diligence to win a person/group/church/ministry back in good standing in love. Nevertheless, we are not ashamed to disconnect and sever any ties that threatens our Lord, us and our supporters. We stand always in defense of the purity of our Lord's Holy Word and the works He is doing through us in Jesus Name.
As we proceed full strength in our Africa and Worldwide Agenda, it's sad to say that we must expect such shameful behaviour from "men and women of God" many of whom are running orphanages and Christian private schools in the Name of our Lord, but it's the nature of the beast in the land. We console ourselves that wherever such wickedness abounds, grace will abound even more. Lana Neita Ministries is part of the Grace of God abounding in Uganda, in Africa and the rest of the world.
In this season of planting, our Lord warns us to be careful where we are sowing our seed and where we are eating from (harvest) ...we obey Him and Him only. My friends, Africa does produce much good fruit and together we shall go out and plant and glean the harvest deserving for our Lord out of Africa in Jesus Name. Shalom.
CAUTION to all of our friends and supporters. God Faith Ministries is about building up the One Church of God and the Kingdom of Heaven not exalting any person/ministry. We do not allow anyone to exploit our friends and supporters nor do we join with any person, group, church or ministry who do not share our fundamental beliefs and God-given Mission.
1. If you've received direct solicitation on Social Media or even through the mail from any partner/person/ministry on our behalf Or because of our connection to them... we need to know... we do not permit such happenings.
2. If you're ever in doubt, or questioning, please private message on our Ministry Fb page or through this website's Contact page. We will respond to you***
God bless and thank you for your heartfelt prayers and financial support.
Evangelist Lana Anamelechi